Idiot of the year Michael Stone Fat Chops

November 25, 2006

Michael StoneThis is probably the best idiot award that Loyalist Wonders is ever going to hand out and with Michael Stones stupid stunt at Stormont yesterday this one is well deserved.

Michael Stone finally flipped his lid yesterday when he stormed the Northern Irish political parliament, Stormont. Armed with a Gun and a number of explosive devices the heavy fat man didn’t make it too far into the building after being wrestled by unarmed guards, some proof that Fat Michael is no longer the man he used to be as he sweated like a fat greedy pig trying to get through the doors.

Fats was previously sentenced to over 800 years in jail for previous murders in Northern Ireland but was released early under the pathetic terms of the Good Friday Agreement. Thankfully, the stupid idiot was charged was attempted murder of Gerry Adams & Martin Mc Guinness so its likely he will be locked up until he kicks the bucket, dam pity this country doesn’t have the death penalty!

There have been various speculations on why Michael Stone pulled the stupid stunt at Stormont with some believing he was simply looking for publicity. My belief is that Michaels Stones life outside of prison was that of a lonely sad man who spent his days picking up benefits, eating burgers and living in fear from being murdered by a Republican hit squad. He probably decided that he was safer inside prison where his other idiot friends are locked up and he didn’t have to walk far for his next meal so he pulled this stunt for a free ticket to get back inside.

So congratulations to Michael Stone on winning this idiot of the year award, his children and grandchildren would be proud of being related to such an idiot!

One Response to “Idiot of the year Michael Stone Fat Chops”

  1. […] Video of the Idiot of the year Michael Stone being held back by two security gaurds. Ol’ fat head is no longer a strong man that he once believed but is now a sad old git who’ll rot in Jail for the rest of his days. God Save Ulster, mehhh get a life! […]

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