DUP Unionist Anti-Catholic – Never

May 13, 2006

Politician Roy Gillespie who is a member of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) has proven that he is an anti-catholic by saying that he will not attend the funeral of Michael McIlveen because its being held within a Catholic Church. 

DUP Member Roy Gillespie is a councillor in Ballymena and made the remark while speaking to a reporter

The Anti-Catholic Unionist has been quoted as saying:

 “The Pope is the Antichrist and is the head of the Catholic Church, which is not a true church or faith. I’m not going to listen to Mass in a Catholic church. I don’t care if it’s at a funeral, wedding or whatever else.” and went on to say, “As a Catholic, he [Michael McIlveen] won’t get into heaven unless he has been saved. If he did not repent before he died and asked the Lord into his heart, he will not get into heaven. Catholics are not accepted into heaven.”

The leader of the DUP, Ian Paisley, has been invited to attend the funeral of Michael McIlveen but big Ian has yet to accept, something that could destroy his Unionist support across Northern Ireland.

One Response to “DUP Unionist Anti-Catholic – Never”

  1. Capt Syphillis Says:

    Is this Gillespie bloke serious if heaven did exist does he think his God would want bigots up there and besides is his religion not just an offshoot of the catholic church for fuck sake if ever a bloke needed to take a long walk on a short pier while the tide was in, its this idiot, thank god i live in a civilised society, you all must be on some serious hard drugs to spew out that ridiculous shit.

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