Peter Hain Idiot Of The Month

May 23, 2006

Peter PanYes that’s right I am awarding Peter Hain, Northern Ireland Secretary of State, the idiot of the month award. Although I can only award this once for the month I wouldn’t feel discouraged in giving him this award ten times over.

So why is Peter Hain such an idiot?

Well this time its over his decision to appoint to members of the Orange Order to the Parades Commission, big deal you might say but read on.

The Parades Commission was setup in Northern Ireland to be the main body that decides if a parade in Northern Ireland should be allowed to take place or not and if it would be a parade that could potentially cause trouble.

Now with the Parades Commission playing such an important role in Northern Ireland one would think that all members of the Parades Commission would need to be from a neutral background or at least have neutral opinions. Well idiot of the month Peter Hain doesn’t think so and actually appointed members of the Orange Order to the Parades Commission without appointing anyone from a nationalist group to keep everything balanced. We all know that every member of the Orange Order feel they have every right to parade in any fashion on any road or housing estate in Northern Ireland so appointing two of its members to the Parades Commission is NOT going to give a balanced or neutral opinion on the parades issue.

His stupid decision was taken to the Northern Ireland high court and it was ruled the "appointment process was unlawful". Peter idiot of the month Hain described the outcome of the high court as "odd" and will fight the decision. Hold up one minute, first it would seem the odd thing about this whole charade is Peter useless Hain himself and he must be as thick as two planks if he cant see the issue with his decision making on the Parades Commissions appointment.

Northern Ireland has no more room for idiots, we have enough of them destroying our country and we don’t need any more coming from London. In my humble opinion this idiot needs to resign and maybe attend a course in conflict resolution, he then just may get an insight in why Northern Ireland needs help and not hindrance from outside sources.

2 Responses to “Peter Hain Idiot Of The Month”

  1. Urquhart Says:

    I find it hard to disagree that Hain should be give an Idiot of the Month title, but I think a more considered view is needed of the role of the Orangemen who were appointed to the Parades Commission.

    You say, “We all know that every member of the Orange Order feel they have every right to parade in any fashion on any road or housing estate in Northern Ireland so appointing two of its members…”

    This ignores the reality of the last 5 months since these guys were appointed – more or less the same decisions were handed down as before. Just a thought.

  2. […] I have changed this award from being Idiot of the month to now simply "Idiot of the North" as too Unionists/Loyalists are stepping forward to win the idiot award, I cant keep up as I have already handed out two this month to Peter Hain, see Idiot Award One and Idiot Award Two […]

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