Orange Order Member Is A Terrorist

May 27, 2006

Proof is now in the pudding that members of the Orange Order may also be members of paramilitary organisations such as Steven Moffat from Scotland who pleaded guilty to belonging to “a proscribed organisation”, within the meaning of the Terrorism Act 2000 as the BBC reported.

Steve Moffat first denied involvement in being a member of an illegal organisation but cops foiled his lies by spotting a UDA tattoo on his arm. When the police searched Moffat’s home in Fife, Scotland they found an automatic pistol and live ammunition along with clothing and other items.

Mr Moffat had been a member of the Orange Order and had later joined the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) – a terrorist group in Northern Ireland that has been responsible for many attacks and deaths on Catholics over many years. It is also reported he traveled to Northern Ireland often to visit members and it’s where he became a member of the UDA killers.

So does this allow us now to have a right to protest against Orange Order/UDA parades in Catholic areas across Northern Ireland? Or do these so called men of god still have the right to parade where they please, with full protection of the crown forces riot squads?

Maybe we can send them to Dublin to prove the Irish really loves Ulster and its terrorist groups, meh.

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