Loyalists At War Again

May 28, 2006

thugWith the political side of Unionism being in trouble over fraud and terrorist membership, the Northern Ireland Loyalist killers are at war but not with Republicans.

Nothing new with Loyalists murdering each other one by one over drugs, money and power within Northern Ireland so it comes to surprise the Shoukri brothers will be next on the Loyalist hit list for drug dealing and intimidation.


UDA godfathers are now in a pickle over the Shoukri brothers and what actions to take as the two brothers in the UDA have stepped out of line but a feud could take place as the Shoukri's have a following of Loyalist terrorists. Everyone knows this could spark off another bloody feud with more loyalists killing each other, good enough I say!

2 Responses to “Loyalists At War Again”

  1. HLA Says:

    I think its a disgrace that the Shoukri brothers have been constantly victimised and portrayed as ‘thugs’ and ‘criminal gangsters’ over this past several years by the media. The majority of people are naive and narrow minded to believe everything they read in the papers. Both Andre and Ihab Shouhri are very caring, down to earth men, who if anything, have tried to help their local community. Its very convenient the media fail to mention about the community work they have done i.e. setting up youth clubs to keep young people off the streets and out of trouble, coaching local football teams and encouraging young people to aim for their goals in life.
    To be frank, I think people should look at the wider picture instead of commenting on people and things they really know nothing about.
    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion however I think its abit of a ‘cop out’ for people to judge people they dont actually know. May your opinions/comments be based on the media, religion or origin – it would maybe be an idea to remind yous that it takes all kinds to make a world and also in recent years both the media and our justice system have been criticized worldwide for its incompetance and victimisation.

  2. spuds n turf Says:

    I also would like to express my disgust at your protrayal of the Shoukri brothers. Because of their imprisonment,we in the north west of ireland have had no meaningful supply of marryjoanna. To the point that my tin box, that usually contains ample supplies of the good stuff, is empty. Its disgrace, a travesty, free the drug barrons I say! God live Ulster…included the drug supplyin planted.

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