Royal Black Preceptory We Applaud Your Bigotry

August 28, 2006

Nice to hear that the Royal Black Preceptory cant stick by the rules setout by the Northern Ireland parades commission and also see themselves in a law of their own.

It is said the parades commission have banned the Royal Black Preceptory from having their bands play outside St Matthew’s Church in East Belfast after last year when they had been witnessed playing the Sash while a funeral was taking place at St Matthew’s, but of course these men of God claimed it was hymns they were playing.

PSNI is now investigating the breach of the ruling set by the parades commission but as history proves I doubt very much shall be done.


God save Ulster eh?

6 Responses to “Royal Black Preceptory We Applaud Your Bigotry”

  1. JAY Says:

    this site is aload of shit.any wonder this country is the way it is with people like you constantly slabbering at loyalists and the protestant community. You make out that it is jus the loyalists that fight when this is not true at all.It is both sides that fight. You are just as bad. You might not want orange marches but it is a tradition and it is the queens highway that the orange order are marching on. The IRA have commited more murders than loyalist paramilitries. This site has no purpose at all.

  2. Your comments are actually quiet funny to be very honest with you.

    If you look into the history of the North then you just might see why this country is in such as mess, it has nothing to do with people slabbering at Loyalists or the Protestant community but more of the fact that people (like Loyalists) want to keep the bigotry alive in our province. You really think people like me would actually slabber about Loyalists if there was no reason to? Of course not and with their actions for so many years they are giving plenty of reasons why people should bark about them.

    You have actually pointed another problem with North and that is the Orange Marches. Yes people have the right to their traditions but those people must respect others in the community who find it offensive, if they are not willling to respect people then they have NO right to march, queens highway or not.

    Please point out any statement on this blog that says the IRA have never committed more murders, its back to the blame game is it? Which bring me to my closing point.

    The reason of this blog is to point out the wrong doings of Loyalists in the North but also that of the Orange Order and Unionism. This site does server a purpose which is to spread the bad news of their acts without getting involved in a blame game, something they are only too good at playing.

    If you don’t like it, you know where the back button is on your browser.

  3. Peter Piper Says:

    The problem I have with this blog is that it shows only a negative side of one of the community here that being the Protestant/Loyalist one, As you full well know the Nationalist/Republican community can be and is equally vicious when it comes to violent and negative behavior. Nationalist/Republicans have always been one step ahead when it comes to propaganda, They seize an issue, rinse a lot of the facts out and then report to the world their version of it, for instance Drumcree, Before the big hoo haa this parade went unhindered, there was no reason for anyone to be offended, there was certainly no paramilatary element to this parade and it literally took several minutes to pass on a Sunday morning so there was no or very little inconvienence to people. The original parade consisted of a small accordian band that played only hymns (the traditional rules of orange related bands playing on a Sunday) and Orange Order members (no drunken hangers on) They walked that road to Drumcree Parish Church on that day every year for many years until Sinn Fein decided to set up ‘Residents Groups’ fronted mainly by Pira members to rid their area of Orange scum, (Gerry Adams hinted at a masterplan in the early 90s) They knew full well that the Orange Order would’nt talk to Provo’s making them (The Orange) look like the one’s that did’nt want to compromise, In fact Portadown Brethern did compromise, They would walk the Garvaghy Road with no band and carry no flags, just walk quietly with no fuss, but because they wouldn’t sit down with the ‘Residents group/Provos’ and dissuss it with them it turned out to be a no no. This is just one example of Republican myth. Yes there is no denying that Loyalists can carry out acts which deserve to be condemned ie. Holy Cross which was a disgrace but again the Nationalist/Republican community and media only looked at the dreadful scenes of that week but didn’t have too much to say on the reasons of this dispute, The Loyalist communty of Glenbryn were/are under siege, constantly under attack by Republicans, hemmed in a smallish area so afraid that many of them cannot use the local ammenities (not excusing the actions for one second) My point is that there is always two sides to a coin. If you exposed the continueing crimes of Natinalist/Republicans which also happen on a daily basis maybe some of what you say would be fair comment.

  4. Everyone knows there are two sides of the coin but the aim of the blog isn’t to show the two sides, hence the name Loyalist Wonders. Sure, if you want to find some blogs that do show the negative points of the Nationalist/Republican there really aren’t too difficult to find.

    It really didn’t take you long to get the old finger pointing going by jumping in straight away with the propaganda statement or that of Drumcree or even Holy Child. Not only was the biggest pile of waffle I have ever heard but it is also the typical “themins” statement.

    I guess you’ll be saying that the results from events such as Greysteel massacre happened because of Republicans? How about the Shankill Butchers? The list, as you probably don’t know, is endless.

  5. Peter Piper Says:

    The thing is that not everybody realises that there is two sides to the coin!! Take the American people, Many of them were sucked in by Gerry propaganda for years. Im just sayin that highlighting the wrongdoings of only one of the communities here doesn’t help relations here, but I suppose thats never worried republicans anyway as they do support terrorist mouthpieces.
    As for waffle, you obviously dont like hearing the facts.

  6. Ulsterscot Says:

    As an Orangeman it is about time that the folk of Ulster realised that there are Republican Orangemen & Protestants to & as for hating Catholics well thats piffle the only thing that an Orangeman denounces is the Roman Catholic way of worship so my message to all those ignorant of the facts is to learn about the Loyal Orange Institute before you contact sites like this as the Orange Order condemns BIGOTRY

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