DUP Fraud Corruption

May 28, 2006

DUPRecently reported was the story of a Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) politician being convicted in a court of law for eight counts of benefit fraud. North Antrim councilor Davy McAllister was not only a member of the DUP, who's leader is Ian Paisley, but also sat on the PSNI monitoring body, a group that is supposed to make sure the Police force in Northern Ireland go about their daily duties in a lawful manner.


Thankfully the Unionist convicted benefit fraudster will be officially sacked from the Moyle District Policing Partnership but as most unionists do he is claiming his innocence and considering doing time rather than face up to his responsibilities and pay up the cash he stole.


Pathetic that Davy McAllister has only been fined £200 (€293), £52 (€76) costs and ordered to pay up everything he stole. If this crime was done by an average Joe in the street they would simply face a prison sentence.

So how much more will we learn about the corruption, terrorism and illegal activates of the Unionists/Loyalists fighting for Britain’s right to own Northern Ireland?

Unionist/Loyalist Idiots in Derry confused by their own cultural identity have yet again attacked another innocent immigrant family from Poland living in the Bond Street area, a dominate Unionist/Loyalist area. The confused idiotic Unionist/Loyalist thugs fighting for Ulster Freedom and the British Union Jack forced their way into the Polish home on Emerson Street at the weekend waving a hatchet and an iron bar. They proceeded to ransack rooms in the house breaking down doors and smashing a bath and sink before running off into the Derry night….or should I say Londonderry air?

This is the second attack in the area within a week after a bunch of Unionist/Loyalist morons gave two Polish men a beating a week earlier. The Polish guys had been beaten after they tried to stop the morons of the Unionist/Loyalist kind from smashing up their car.

For those who don’t know the Bond Street area in the Waterside, it is a strong hold for Unionist/Loyalists and is an area that Catholics are never welcome. Catholics in the city are reminded that the area is off limits with multi-coloured paving stones of red, white and blue which looks like something out of Lego land but also with the huge terrorist wall murals greeting visitors to the area. I often think the area is decorated in such a silly fashion so Unionist/Loyalists can be reminded of their cultural identity background and the fact they are actually immigrants themselves in the island of Ireland, isn't that ironic?

In a way its sad that Unionist/Loyalists are so confused over their identiy but yet it comes to no surprise, after all they are Celts from Scotland who came to Ireland, created the state of Northern Ireland (for them only) and stole the design of the Ulster flag in the process and need to remind everyone that they own the state of Northern Ireland by holding thousands of sectarian parades each year.

DUP Gregory Campbell in Derry who I prefer to name specky four eyes stated:

"There are a small number of immigrant families living in the Bond's Street area and most of them have settled in very amicably and blend in very, very well" unfortunately he lacked stating anything about how well Catholics families had blended into the area or how they had been actually chased from their homes as well.

He continued ""I do not know what has brought on these couple of incidents and the fact that this latest incident is being described as racist will only serve to heighten tensions in the community."

Excuse me specky four eyes but maybe you need a stronger pair of glasses as these racist attacks on Catholics, Polish, Chinese or whatever ethnic background is nothing new to your area or any Loyalist area in Northern Ireland. Gregory Campbell has always been great at blowing smoke by usually saying that its Protestants that are being chased from their homes…ah yes the blame game, gotta love Northern Ireland.

Maybe immigrants coming into Northern Ireland from any background should re-consider living in harmony with Unionist/loyalists as these attacks are proof they are not welcome. One that note, people who immigrant to Ireland or the North need to be told that the morons from the Unionist/loyalist communities do not speak for the majority of people in the area and to be honest would be more welcomed by the Catholics in Derry, that is fact!

Well done lads, keep up the great work and let us see your true colours for the love of Ulster.

Politician Roy Gillespie who is a member of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) has proven that he is an anti-catholic by saying that he will not attend the funeral of Michael McIlveen because its being held within a Catholic Church. 

DUP Member Roy Gillespie is a councillor in Ballymena and made the remark while speaking to a reporter

The Anti-Catholic Unionist has been quoted as saying:

 “The Pope is the Antichrist and is the head of the Catholic Church, which is not a true church or faith. I’m not going to listen to Mass in a Catholic church. I don’t care if it’s at a funeral, wedding or whatever else.” and went on to say, “As a Catholic, he [Michael McIlveen] won’t get into heaven unless he has been saved. If he did not repent before he died and asked the Lord into his heart, he will not get into heaven. Catholics are not accepted into heaven.”

The leader of the DUP, Ian Paisley, has been invited to attend the funeral of Michael McIlveen but big Ian has yet to accept, something that could destroy his Unionist support across Northern Ireland.